北京丽晶酒店倾情呈现 两晚米其林美食之夜奢华盛宴

人气:2681   发表时间:2024-09-25 12:08:49

近日,北京丽晶酒店携手帝都美食家,举办了一场独具匠心的米其林美食之夜。这场四手联袂的饕餮盛宴,由米其林星级餐厅主厨Francesco Bonvini与著名意大利厨师Jacopo Bruni共同演绎,呈现了两场截然不同却同样令人难忘的美食体验。这次盛宴是酒店自今年5月以来举办的第四次重磅主厨合作,再次展现了意式美食的无穷魅力。

Regent Beijing is thrilled to announce an extraordinary two-night culinary event: Michelin Night: A Four-Hands Feast. This exclusive experience will feature Michelin-starred chef Francesco Bonvini and acclaimed chef Bruni Jacopo, who have collaborated to create two distinct and unforgettable dining experiences. This event marks the fourth prestigious guest chef collaboration at Regent Beijing since May, continuing our journey of Italian gourmet excellence.

Francesco Bonvini的米其林之路始于世界闻名的三星米其林餐厅Da Vittorio,他曾担任上海二星米其林餐厅Da Vittorio的副厨师长。他以对传统食材的尊重和创新的意大利烹饪技艺而广受赞誉。如今,Francesco已加入Cellar to Table餐厅,继续以其卓越的技艺打造美味珍馐。在北京丽晶酒店,他将带来极致的意式美食体验,让食客感受到烹饪艺术的独特魅力。

Michelin-starred chef Francesco Bonvini is set to bring his culinary brilliance to Daccapo Italian Restaurant at Regent Beijing. With a prestigious career that includes roles at the 3 Michelin-starred Da Vittorio and the 2 Michelin-starred Da Vittorio Shanghai, where he served as Sous Chef, Bonvini's journey is marked by his deep

respect for authentic ingredients and innovative Italian techniques. His latest venture, "New Wave by Da Vittorio," earned a Michelin star and recognition from Gambero Rosso as an emerging top Italian restaurant. Presently, Francesco has joined Cellar to Table with a reverence for ingredients and an understanding of the art of cooking. At Daccapo, Bonvini will continue to dazzle diners with his refined culinary artistry, promising a dining experience that celebrates the pinnacle of Italian cuisine.



Night One: The event kicks off at Daccapo Italian Restaurant, where guests indulge in an exquisite multi-course feast that showcases the chefs' mastery of Italian cuisine. A night of refined flavors, innovative techniques, and the finest ingredients, all set in the elegant ambiance of Daccapo Italian Restaurant.


奢华的美食体验在酒店17层的『紫禁城景观空中酒廊』达到了新的巅峰。在这宛若画卷的美景之中,宾客不仅品味到厨师独创的美食佳肴,还可俯瞰世界文化遗产紫禁城的璀璨夜景。这一夜充满了私密的奢华氛围,完美契合追求极致美味和独特体验的食客们。北京丽晶酒店总经理费名洋先生(Florian S. Kuhn)表示:“我们非常荣幸邀请到这两位杰出的意大利厨师,为宾客打造了一场将美食、优雅氛围与紫禁城壮丽夜景完美融合的非凡体验。”

Night Two: The culinary journey continues the ‘Forbidden City View Sky Lounge’, at Regent Club.The evening takes the dining experience to new heights, both literally and figuratively, as guests enjoy a specially curated menu while overlooking the world historic heritage Forbidden City. The night promises a luxurious and intimate affair,perfect for those seeking a truly exceptional dining experience. "We are thrilled to host these esteemed chefs and provide our guests with an opportunity to experience both the sky lounge with Forbidden City view and Italian cuisine in two of our most prestigious settings." said Florian S. Kuhn, general manager of Regent Beijing.


This two-night event is more than just a dining experience; it is a celebration of culinary artistry at its finest, it's a rare opportunity to witness culinary excellence in itspurest form, set against the backdrop of Beijing's most prestigious locations. Regent Beijing invites all discerning gourmands and lovers of fine dining to join us for these exceptional evenings, where tradition meets innovation, and where every dish tells a story of passion, creativity, and unparalleled craftsmanship.






2024年,北京丽晶酒店荣获多个国际大奖,包括《世界旅行大奖》评选的“中囯领先商务酒店”和“中囯领先婚礼酒店”,《Travel + Leisure》评选的“全球百佳酒店”和“读者最喜爱亚洲城市酒店前二十”,以及《福布斯》评选的“全球顶级奢华五星酒店”。

北京丽晶酒店坐拥八家奢华餐饮场所,包括著名的Daccapo迪卡博意大利餐厅、Morton’s The Steakhouse和利苑酒家粤菜餐厅。丽晶俱乐部是酒店的奢华典范所在,宾客可以在此享受香槟早餐、皇家下午茶、鸡尾酒时光,并俯瞰紫禁城的壮丽景观。


About Daccapo Italian Restaurant

Daccapo Italian Restaurant is a distinguished dining venue within Regent Beijing, known for its dedication to authentic Italian cuisine and exceptional service. Whether for a romantic dinner or a special occasion, Daccapo offers an exquisite culinary journey that captures the essence of Italy.

About Regent Club

The Regent Club offers an unparalleled dining experience with breathtaking views of one of Forbidden City, well-known as ‘Forbidden City Sky Lounge’. It is a personal haven of luxury and exclusivity, perfect for osting extraordinary events.

About Regent Beijing

In 2024 "REGENT Beijing", a timeless luxury hotel, was identified by Forbes as one of the "Finest Luxury Five Star" Hotels in the World, and by World Traveller Awards as "China’s Leading Business Hotel". Regent Beijing Hotel offers a personalised experience with 8 Restaurants, Bars and Lounges, including the highly acclaimed "Daccapo" Italian Restaurant, "Mortens The Steak House” and "Lei Garden" Cantonese Fine Dining. The pinnacle of exclusivity lies on the top floor, where the recently upgraded "REGENT CLUB" is located, offering Club Guests breathtaking views of the Forbidden City and Beijing's skyline. This prestigious venue provides exclusive amenities, such as Champagne Breakfast, Royal Afternoon Tea, Painting Classes, Munchies and LittleDelights, Cocktail Hours, Private Dining and more, creating an unparalleled experience. The hotel also boasts more than 15 meeting rooms and ballrooms, with the largest accommodating over 600 guests, as well as offering exclusive outdoor spaces for functions. Guests can relax in the Health Club with an Olympic-sized daylight pool or chill on our Sundeck, enjoy a massage at our SPA or rejuvenate and energise in our REGENT Garden or well-equipped Health Club.

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