人气:2243 发表时间:2018-08-23 12:22:00
7月18日至19日,加拿大新闻媒体记者团一行下榻南京苏宁索菲特银河大酒店。酒店总经理黄圣良先生、酒店业主代表朱平先生和副总经理—政府事务顾春柱先生携酒店管理层热情欢迎和接待。酒店用行动诠释了雅高酒店集团全新理念“心艺家”,全体索菲特心艺家们为宾客提供由心而发的优质服务,令每一位贵宾在下榻期间倍感美妙与享受。代表团对酒店Cousu Main定制化服务的理念赞誉有加,并给予了高度认可。
From July 18th to July 19 th, Canada Media tour stayed at Sofitel Nanjing Galaxy Suning. The Delegation received a warmly welcome from the hotel management team lead by Mr. Hwang, General Manager; Mr. Zhu, Deputy General Manager and Mr. Gu, Assistant General Manager - Government. Hotel ambassadors provide the “Heartist” culture service of Accorhotels to all guests during their stayed. The Delegation was all enjoyed the outstanding service with “art-de-vivre” meals, appreciated for our Sofitel Cousu Main service.
7月31日至8月2日南非驻上海总领馆总领事何安娜女士及其团队一行下榻南京苏宁索菲特银河大酒店。酒店总经理黄圣良先生、酒店业主代表朱平先生和副总经理—政府事务顾春柱先生携酒店管理层热情欢迎和接待。何安娜女士一行入住期间对酒店Cousu Main定制化的服务,优雅的设计风格,独具创意和灵感的美食体验赞不绝口。整个接待服务过程酒店得到了的高度评价和赞许。
From July 31st to August 2nd, Mrs. Mpho HLAHLA, Consul General of the South African Consulate-General in Shanghai and her Delegation stayed at Sofitel Nanjing Galaxy Suning. The Delegation received a warmly welcome from the hotel management team lead by Mr. Hwang, General Manager; Mr. Zhu, Deputy General Manager and Mr. Gu, Assistant General Manager - Government. Mrs. Mpho HLAHLA spoke highly of the Cousu Main service, elegant design style and unique inspiration of food experience of the hotel from heartily appreciated while stayed.