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        媒开传懿 功勋再著。

        A time will come to ride the wind and cleave the waves, I will set my cloud-white sail and cross the sea which raves. The hotel industry is surging and only when we go with the tide of the times can we overcome the difficulties and obstacles, understand the essence of the ordinary, and create an extraordinary industry.

           In recent years, the world's major hotel brands are springing up in mainland China, providing a good living experience for business travelers with the "spirit of the craftsman", creating first-class service with their extraordinary wisdom and talent, and casting the richly personalized Chinese hotel industry spirit. 

           With the advent of the information age and rapid development of knowledge, the traditional media communication has been unable to meet the needs of the hotel industry development. In recent years, the major forums construct the communication platform between the Chinese media industry and the hotel industry, becoming the booster of hotel development. With the  continuous advent of the new  medias and the new forces, the media industry is like a hundred flowers in bloom, and hundred of enterprises has come together. How to adapt to the development of integration and how to seek a better integration of the hotel industry and the media industry to achieve faster and better development, is a problem that should be solved quickly in hotel development.

           We are committed to be pioneering and innovative, wise and enterprising, fair and honest, promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the industry, enhancing the quality of hotel services, continuously injecting fresh vitality into the development of the hotel market.

            In the call of the times, we gather again, imagine the future, sing extraordinary, and cast meritorious service.

            We will build up the most advanced information exchange platform for domestic and foreign media, scientific research units, celebrities, experts, scholars, enterprise management personnel of hotel industry to share the relevant achievements and experiences and explore the problems and the situation faced by relevant fields . 

            We will focus on the theme of new media, new development, and new contribution, and carry out more extensive exchanges for the traditional industry with development dynamics, marketing model, personnel training, authoritative data analysis, and other aspects under the new media environment.

             We will lead the industry to a new trend, promote the new development of the industry, and commend new contribution of the industry.

             The media industry and the hotel industry will transfer a glory together and make great contributions.





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近日,珠海瑞吉酒店推出精致夏日逸旅客房套餐,旨在以一系列的独特体验为宾客打造优雅夏日。珠海瑞吉酒店将从容优雅、本地历史和灵感启迪集于一身,在精致中追求不凡,让奢华生活方式聚焦于海滨一隅,以精心雕琢的建筑细节结合珠海人文风情,将源自1904年的贵族生活演绎于云端之上。此次推出的精致夏日逸旅套餐以本地特色欢迎礼相邀名流雅士下榻,在开阔明亮的精致空间里奢享夏日时光,瑞吉品牌标志性的管家服务由入住一刻而启,从行李打包、拆包到全天候的电子管家服务,随时满足宾客要求,让你住店期间全程无忧。酒店配置五间景致、氛围、出品均是高端水准的餐厅与酒廊,以及瑞吉品牌专属的铱瑞水疗和健身俱乐部,从味蕾至身心,奢享舒适体验,赋予夏日旅程高级松弛感。乘此假期,珠海瑞吉酒店精心绘制周边玩乐指南,旨在让宾客深度了解珠海吃喝玩乐目的地,从本地知名的购物天堂 —— 华发商都、富华里,探索珠海历史的珠海市博物馆、容闳故居遗址到花海长廊,北山大院等时尚打卡点,满足不同的出行目的
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